So much has happened since I last posted. Since school started our "small group" started up again. We have 6 high schoolers that we hang out with every Wednesday night. Here we are after an exciting round of "The Flour Game."
We had a visit in Mid September from Doug, Ali, Chase and Cameron. Thanks for making the trek!
With all of the new pencils and backpacks Fall officially arrived and in Idyllwild that means ripe apples and lots of yellow trees. Autumn is definitely my favorite season here. The air is cool and crisp, the garden is bountiful and the leaves change! Here Josh is peeling apples to make dried apples but we also made apple butter.
Joel played soccer again. This year he was a bobcat and wow - the bobcats are good. Joel thrives at playing goalie and all of the kids on his team are so fun and they have a great time. Josh was also a coach this time and Seth.....well he thinks he's on the team.....
And last but not least, miss Abigail....her hair is growing - and is a little hard to manage. She talks but only if she wants to, not if you ask her to. And she is walking - but still crawls and scoots sometimes. She only takes one nap....and loves all things "girly".