The boys wanted a picnic today so we went to the Idyllwild Nature Center and did their 1/2 mile loop nature trail and ate a picnic. It was perfect "boy sized" hike (Joel loves to hike, seth does not) and Abbey rode in the backpack. It was sunny and about 65 degrees - so nice!

Abbey who we call "gremlin" because of her bad attitude lately - which is probably related to teething.......really loved riding in the backpack - she was all smiles at least for about and hour.
what a fun day!
we went on a family hike this week too and put aubrie in a backpack...but it was definitely much different scenery on the 'fullerton loop' then the idyllwild nature trail :)
I was dying laughing when I saw that you're calling her Gremlin. Hilarious!
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