Saturday, February 28, 2009

Funcle Jared Wins Coolest Biola Alumni Ever Award!

Finally we were able to go to one of the Alumni Weekends at Biola University, and it was quite the weekend that we picked. Pretty much the main reason we went is because Funcle Jared was receiving the Young Alumni of the Year Award (sorry I exaggerated above) at Friday mornings chapel. It was so great to be there and for the boys to see their uncle up on stage and talking to a mess of people. First up is Jared receiving his award from his new best friend, Biola Alumni Director, Rick Bee.Here we have the boys taking a picture with some famous guy that was there, I think his name is Matt Kersch, apparently he's some kind of rock star.
And this pic is like the best one ever because it's of this beautiful little girl that I got to sit next to in the Cafe...isn't she cute. Oh, and if you haven't had the privilege of eating in Biola's new cafeteria we highly recommend it, and the Horchata is to die for!

Cowell Train Ride

Here we are with the Cowell's, well some of them, Ashlee was awesome and volunteered to hold Abbey while we all rode around on this way cool free train ride in Costa Mesa put on by the Orange County Engineers Guild or something like that and if you've never done it before do it, the kids absolutely loved it and it was a lot of fun and how's that for a run on sentence.

Friday, February 27, 2009

3 Degrees of Abbey

I was having a little fun with Abbey and thought I'd share the pix. Here she is at this point I hadn't told her any jokes yet.Then I told her the joke about the chicken crossing the road and she kind of liked that one.

Then I told her a funny story about Joel and how he used to fall asleep in the hallway...Abbey absolutely loves Joel and really got a kick out of that one.

Seth and Lasagna

Here is Seth helping Em in the kitchen with Lasagna. He did a really good job until he decided to stick his hand in the mixture and then lick his fingers and stick them back in. I guess it will end up being cooked at 375 for 40 minutes so we should be good.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Professional Sledders!

Bet you always wanted to know what professional sledders look like, well here they are, enjoy!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Shout Out to Papa & Nani D

Just wanted to send a little shout out to Papa and Nani D from Abbey!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Crazy Snow

We got some crazy snow this was fun to wake up sunday to a few inches of snow, oh, how beautiful....but then it started snowing Sunday night and didn't stop until Monday night and....well we got at least two feet in one day. I'm not sure if you can tell but the snow berms are about as tall as a large SUV.

Our house looks much the same....but look my car doesn't have tires.
Auntie Dawn came for a visit and went sledding with the boys....she even made hot chocolate snow cones with them....I'm not sure if the recipe will make the food network but they said it was fun. The word on the street is that we are expecting more snow this weekend. Wow, should be interesting since there isn't much more space to put all this snow.