Summer is busy for us.....Family visiting, the inn has very high occupancy - yet all our staff takes vacations, we of course also want to take vacation, two of the kids have birthdays and I prefer spending my time outside on the hammock or in the garden rather than at the computer.....so poor Abbey did not get a blog post about her very important first birthday! She truly is our princess with two nights in shining armor that love on her - maybe a little too much. She is happy and healthy, with only two teeth, loves to sleep and eating melon gives her a rash (we think.) She talks a ton and is on her way to having as much hair as her mom. She loves her blankie and her pacifier and her new favorite toy is the glowworm she got for her birthday (thanks suzanne). She would rather "scoot" on her bottom than crawl and she will probably be walking soon. It all happened too fast Abbey - Happy Birthday (ps this picture is actually Abbey's passport photo - she has already applied for her first passport, a world traveler at a young age.)
Abbey riding her little horsey bike on our deck.
All three kids on the trampoline....only Joel was listening when I said look at the camera and smile.
This is what Abbey looks like after scooting on the trampoline for a minute or two.